About Us

We are the people of St. Paul Furzedown​

​We are a sacramental people​ - encountering God in the challenging but joyful work of making communion together.

We are a hopeful people​ - working to build livable communities through a culture of encouragement and practical action.

We believe that the Gospel offers an unconditional and life-giving invitation to the banquet of God's creation, as well as a call to protect it. We strive to offer holy service to our neighbours and those on the margins. Some of us consider ourselves settled in our faith, whilst others have many unanswered questions about Christianity.

You will find rich worship, spacious spirituality and a warm welcome here. (And because we are people on a journey, we don't always get it right. But we keep going.)


Community outreach at St Paul's

Youth Café

A Youth Café was started at St Paul’s in September 2021 to provide a service to the many 6th formers from nearby Graveney School who gather in the vicinity at lunchtime and between lessons.  The Outreach worker from the Furzedown Youth Project helps to facilitate this venture, supported by a team of volunteers from St Paul’s and other Furzedown churches.  The  Café has attracted a significant number of students (routinely around 150, on occasion over 200) who are invited to use the church to rest, work or play. The Café is clearly valued by the young people as a haven in which to ‘chill’.